A Parent’s Guide to Badge Work
All badge work should be completed while the young person is a Cub Scout. We will not sign off for things done previously. Elements of some badges can only be completed as part of a scout activity (for example, nights away and hikes away). Other badges will be introduced during a Cub meeting with a follow up element to be completed at home (for example, the personal challenge which requires Cubs to set themselves a task agreed with their leader that can last a few weeks e.g. keeping bedroom tidy).
Please check with a leader before your child starts to undertake a badge at home, this way we can check whether we plan to cover the badge as part of the Cub meetings and so your child’s energies can be directed on another badge.
We hold a limited stock of badges, so without prior warning Cubs may have to wait a while before they are presented the badge.
Leaders have a limited amount of time for signing off badges during Cub sessions, so to avoid possible disappointment, please present one badge request at a time. Every couple of terms we have a ‘hobbies and interests’ evening, for Cubs to bring in and share elements of a badge they have worked on at home.
Top tips for completing badge work at home:
1. Check with a leader before starting any element of a badge.
2. Read the badge requirements thoroughly. Some badges ask that a skill or activity should be undertaken for a length of time. For example the collectors badge asks that the collection be made over a period of at least three months.
3. Each element counts towards one badge only. For example, Cubs cannot use horse riding to gain the equestrian badge and then use it again for hobbies and physical recreation.
4. Pace yourself! There is no badge for completing all the badges in one year and Cub meetings will cease to be interesting if your child has earned all the badges.
5. We need to see proof that each element of the badge has been met. This might be a combination of certificates, letter from sports coach or teacher, poster, diary or photos. Cubs will be expected to ‘show and tell’ a leader or other Cubs about what they have done to achieve the badge.
6. Ideal badges to work on at home are: animal carer, collector, equestrian, hobbies, home help, my faith and musician. Most of the challenge badges also include a requirement to research and present findings on a topic.