1. The leaders have decided that the maximum number of children in each of the sections will be: Beavers 24, Cubs 28, Scouts 30. Leaders may vary these maximum numbers from time to time, depending particularly on the availability of helpers. Note that Beaver Colonies are limited officially to 24 children – unless the Group Scout Leader agrees otherwise – and for that a large number of reliable helpers is needed.
2. Absolute priority will be given to members transferring from one section to the next within 1st Barnham, for whom places will always be provided, even if this means that sections are smaller than their limit whilst awaiting these transfers or larger afterwards. Cub and Scout section leaders must be mindful of this provision before admitting members directly to their section. The Group Scout Leader will keep sections informed of likely numbers transferring into their section from the previous one.
3. Priority will also be given to (a) children of leaders and of members of the 1st Barnham Group Executive Committee, (b) brothers and sisters of existing members and (c) invested members of other groups who wish to transfer to 1st Barnham because of a change of address or for other good reason. Simply having friends at 1st Barnham is not necessarily a good reason, but section leaders should consider individual cases on their merit. No child who is currently a member of another Group may be admitted until the Group Scout Leader has discussed the matter with the Group Scout Leader of the other group.
4. Parents and carers will be allowed to put a child’s name on the Beaver joining list at any time after the child is 4½ years old. If predictions indicate that a place will be available, the child will be invited to start attending Beavers on a date specified by the Beaver Scout Leader. If the parent does not respond within a reasonable time to the offer of a place or the child does not take up the place, the offer will be forfeited. The start time for a child will, typically, be soon after the 6th birthday and at the start of a new term or half term.
5. No child will be refused admission or have membership in any way prejudiced because his parents or carers are unable or unwilling to help with the child’s section.
6. If it is unlikely that an applicant will be offered a place, we must tell the parents this and help find a place elsewhere.
This Admission Policy is v1 and was updated on 3rd April 2008